Module 2 - Chapter 2: Loops in C#

Loops are a fundamental concept in programming, allowing you to execute a block of code repeatedly under certain conditions. This capability is essential for tasks that require repetitive actions, such as processing items in a collection, generating repeated output, or performing operations until a condition is met. In C#, there are several types of loops designed to handle a variety of scenarios: for, while, do-while, and foreach. Understanding how to use these loops will greatly enhance your ability to write efficient and effective code.

Mar 28, 2024

Loops in C#

Loops are a fundamental concept in programming, allowing you to execute a block of code repeatedly under certain conditions. This capability is essential for tasks that require repetitive actions, such as processing items in a collection, generating repeated output, or performing operations until a condition is met. In C#, there are several types of loops designed to handle a variety of scenarios: for, while, do-while, and foreach. Understanding how to use these loops will greatly enhance your ability to write efficient and effective code.

For Loop

The for loop is used when the number of iterations is known. It consists of an initializer, a condition, and an iterator.
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { Console.WriteLine($"Iteration {i}"); }
This loop will print the iteration number five times, from 0 to 4.

While Loop

The while loop executes a block of code as long as the specified condition evaluates to true. It's useful when the number of iterations is not known before the loop starts.
int i = 0; while (i < 5) { Console.WriteLine($"Iteration {i}"); i++; }
This loop performs the same function as the for loop example but uses a different structure.

Do-While Loop

The do-while loop is similar to the while loop, with the key difference being that the do-while loop will execute its block of code at least once, even if the condition is false on the first check.
int i = 0; do { Console.WriteLine($"Iteration {i}"); i++; } while (i < 5);
Even if i starts as a value greater than or equal to 5, the block of code will execute once before the condition is checked.

Foreach Loop

The foreach loop is used to iterate over elements in a collection, such as an array or a list. It simplifies the syntax for iterating over collections and eliminates the need to use an index variable.
string[] names = { "Alice", "Bob", "Charlie" }; foreach (string name in names) { Console.WriteLine(name); }
This loop prints each name in the names array.

Choosing the Right Loop

  • Use for loops when the number of iterations is known.
  • Use while loops when the number of iterations is unknown, and you want to repeat a block of code while a condition is true.
  • Use do-while loops when you need to ensure the loop's block of code runs at least once.
  • Use foreach loops for iterating over collections when you don't need to modify the collection.

Best Practices for Using Loops

  • Avoid Infinite Loops: Always ensure your loop has a breaking condition to prevent it from running indefinitely.
  • Keep It Simple: Loops should be as straightforward as possible. Complex loops can often be refactored into simpler, more readable forms.
  • Performance Considerations: Be mindful of the performance implications of loops, especially nested loops, as they can significantly affect the efficiency of your program.


Loops are a powerful feature in C# that allow you to perform repetitive tasks efficiently. By understanding the different types of loops and their appropriate use cases, you can write clearer, more efficient code. Whether you're iterating over collections with foreach, executing code a specific number of times with for, or looping until a condition is met with while or do-while, loops are an indispensable part of programming in C#.