Korean Proverbs: 5. 작은 고추가 맵다

The Korean proverb "작은 고추가 맵다" is an expressive and popular saying in Korean culture. This article will delve into its meaning, provide an English equivalent, and discuss its associated expressions.

Jan 6, 2024


The Korean proverb "작은 고추가 맵다" is an expressive and popular saying in Korean culture. This article will delve into its meaning, provide an English equivalent, and discuss its associated expressions.

Literal Translation

Literally, "작은 고추가 맵다" translates to "small peppers are spicy." This proverb uses the physical characteristics of peppers as a metaphor to convey a deeper meaning.

Figurative Interpretation

Figuratively, this saying suggests that smaller or seemingly insignificant things can have a strong impact or influence. It's often used to imply that a person's physical size doesn't determine their strength or capability. The proverb can also be applied to situations where something small or overlooked proves to be powerful or significant.

English Equivalent

The closest English equivalent is "Don't judge a book by its cover" or "size isn't everything." These sayings, like the Korean proverb, imply that outward appearances can be deceiving, and one should not underestimate something or someone based on their size or appearance.


  • "작은 병이 몸을 죽인다" (A small illness kills the body)
  • "작은 구멍이 배를 침몰시킨다" (A small hole sinks a big ship)
These synonyms emphasize that small things can have a significant impact, aligning with the message conveyed in "작은 고추가 맵다."


  • "큰 것만 중요하다" (Only big things are important)
  • "외모가 중요하다" (Appearance is important)
These antonyms focus on the importance of size or appearance, contrasting with the idea that small things can be powerful or significant as suggested by "작은 고추가 맵다."

Usage Examples

  1. In Sports:
    A smaller, less physically imposing athlete outperforms larger competitors. A spectator comments, “그 선수 작지만 정말 강해. 작은 고추가 맵다는 말이 딱 맞아.” (Translation: "That player is small but very strong. It's true that 'small peppers are spicy.'")
  1. Business Meeting:
    A young, seemingly inexperienced entrepreneur impresses in a meeting with a brilliant proposal. An attendee remarks, “그 젊은 사람이 이렇게 대단할 줄 몰랐어. 진짜 작은 고추가 맵다는 말이 맞네.” (Translation: "I didn’t expect that young person to be so impressive. It really is true that 'small peppers are spicy.'")
  1. Academic Performance:
    A quiet, unassuming student tops the class in exam results. A classmate says, “그 친구가 이렇게 공부를 잘할 줄은 몰랐어. 작은 고추가 맵다니까.” (Translation: "I didn't know that friend was so good at studying. It’s like 'small peppers are spicy.'")
  1. In a Debate:
    A new, less experienced team member makes a significant contribution in a critical discussion. A colleague notes, “그 새 팀원이 이런 중요한 의견을 낼 줄은 몰랐네. 역시 작은 고추가 맵다.” (Translation: "I didn’t expect the new team member to contribute such important ideas. Indeed, 'small peppers are spicy.'")

Simple Dialogues

  1. In a Music Talent Show:
    가: "저 어린 학생이 오늘의 별이 될 줄 몰랐어."
    나: "정말 뛰어난 연주였어. 작은 고추가 맵다는 말이 딱이야."
    (Translation: 가: "I didn't expect that young student to be the star of today." 나: "It was an exceptional performance. It really is 'small peppers are spicy.'")
  1. During a Chess Tournament:
    가: "그 어린 체스 선수가 챔피언을 이겼다고?"
    나: "응, 전략적 사고가 대단해. 작은 고추가 맵다고, 외모에 속지 말아야 해."
    (Translation: 가: "The young chess player beat the champion?" 나: "Yes, their strategic thinking is amazing. 'Small peppers are spicy' – don't be fooled by appearances.")
  1. In a Group Project:
    가: "이 프로젝트의 성공은 새로 온 인턴 덕분이야."
    나: "정말? 그렇게 어려운 일을 해냈다니, 작은 고추가 맵다는 말이 맞네."
    (Translation: 가: "The success of this project is thanks to the new intern." 나: "Really? Managing such a difficult task, it's true that 'small peppers are spicy.'")
  1. At a Startup Pitch:
    가: "그 작은 스타트업이 큰 투자를 받았어."
    나: "놀랍네. 아이디어가 정말 독특하고 혁신적이야. 작은 고추가 맵다는 말이 여기에 딱 맞아."
    (Translation: 가: "That small startup received a large investment." 나: "That's impressive. Their ideas are really unique and innovative. 'Small peppers are spicy' fits perfectly here.")


notion image
At a High School Robotics Club:
가: "오늘 로봇 대회에서 우리 학교 팀이 크게 이길 줄 몰랐어. 상대 팀이 훨씬 더 크고 강해 보였는데."
나: "그러게 말이야. 우리 팀은 작았지만, 기술과 혁신에서는 정말 뛰어났어."
다: "작은 고추가 맵다는 말이 정말 맞는 것 같아. 외모나 크기에 속으면 안 되겠어."
라: "우리 팀원들 각자가 작지만 강한 역할을 해냈어. 그게 승리의 열쇠였지."
가: "정말 자랑스러워. 작지만 강한 팀의 힘이란 이런 거구나."
나: "맞아, 언제나 겉모습으로 능력을 판단해서는 안 돼. 작은 고추가 맵다, 이걸 잊지 말자."
다: "이번 대회가 그 증거야. 우리는 크기에 상관없이 무엇이든 할 수 있어."
라: "앞으로도 이 정신을 잊지 말고 도전해보자. 작은 것에서 큰 힘이 나올 수 있으니까."
At a High School Robotics Club:
가: "I didn't expect our school team to win big in the robot competition today. The opposing team looked much larger and stronger."
나: "Yeah, that's true. Our team was small, but we were excellent in technology and innovation."
다: "It seems 'small peppers are spicy' is really true. We shouldn't be deceived by appearances or size."
라: "Each member of our team played a strong role despite being small. That was the key to victory."
가: "I'm really proud. This is the power of a small but strong team."
나: "Exactly, we should never judge abilities by appearances. Let's not forget 'small peppers are spicy.'"
다: "This competition is proof of that. We can do anything regardless of size."
라: "Let's keep this spirit and continue to challenge ourselves. Great strength can come from small things."


"작은 고추가 맵다" serves as a reminder not to underestimate the potential or influence of something based on its size. This proverb highlights the importance of looking beyond surface appearances and recognizing the inherent value or strength that may not be immediately apparent.