The Korean proverb "식은 죽 먹기" is a popular expression used to describe a task that is extremely easy to accomplish. This article explores the proverb's meaning, its English equivalents, and related expressions.
The Korean proverb "식은 죽 먹기" is a popular expression used to describe a task that is extremely easy to accomplish. This article explores the proverb's meaning, its English equivalents, and related expressions.
Literal Translation
Literally, "식은 죽 먹기" translates to "eating cold porridge." Eating cold porridge requires little effort, as it doesn’t involve the risk of burning your mouth, unlike hot porridge.
Figurative Interpretation
Figuratively, this proverb is used to describe tasks or challenges that are very easy or straightforward to complete. It implies that the task at hand is as simple as eating cold porridge, which is a task that requires minimal effort and poses no difficulty.
English Equivalent
In English, a similar sentiment is expressed by the idioms "a piece of cake" or "as easy as pie." These expressions, like their Korean counterpart, are used to describe tasks that are very simple and effortless to accomplish.
"아무것도 아니다" (It’s nothing)
"손쉽다" (Easy to handle)
These synonyms emphasize the ease and simplicity of a task, similar to the meaning of "식은 죽 먹기."
"눈물 나게 힘들다" (So hard it makes you cry)
"하늘의 별 따기" (Like picking stars from the sky)
These antonyms describe tasks that are extremely difficult or nearly impossible, contrasting with the ease implied in "식은 죽 먹기."
Usage Example
Exam Preparation: A student is worried about an upcoming exam. After studying, they find the exam much easier than expected. A classmate remarks, “너 공부 많이 했잖아, 시험은 식은 죽 먹기였을 거야.” (Translation: "You studied a lot, the exam must have been 'eating cold porridge' for you.")
Completing a Project: In a team meeting, there's concern about finishing a complex project on time. However, with efficient teamwork, the project is completed smoothly. One team member comments, “모두가 잘 협력해서 프로젝트 완성이 식은 죽 먹기였어요.” (Translation: "With everyone's cooperation, completing the project was 'eating cold porridge.'")
Learning to Drive: A person is anxious about learning to drive. After a few lessons, they find it easier than anticipated. Their instructor says, “처음엔 어려워 보였지만, 이제 운전은 너에게 식은 죽 먹기지?” (Translation: "It seemed hard at first, but now driving is 'eating cold porridge' for you, right?")
Assembling Furniture: A family is daunted by the task of assembling a complex piece of furniture. Surprisingly, they find the instructions straightforward and the assembly simple. One family member notes, “이 가구 조립은 생각보다 식은 죽 먹기였어요.” (Translation: "Assembling this furniture was easier than expected, like 'eating cold porridge.'")
Hosting an Event: An individual is tasked with organizing a large event and feels overwhelmed. However, with careful planning, the event runs smoothly. An attendee observes, “이번 행사 준비가 걱정됐었는데, 결과적으로 식은 죽 먹기였네요.” (Translation: "I was worried about preparing for this event, but in the end, it turned out to be 'eating cold porridge.'")
Simple Dialogues
Cooking a New Dish: 가: "이 새로운 요리법을 시도해 보려고 하는데, 너무 어려울 것 같아." 나: "걱정 마, 네 요리 실력으로 볼 때 그 요리는 식은 죽 먹기일 거야." 가: "그래? 그럼 도전해볼게!" (Translation: 가: "I'm thinking of trying this new recipe, but it seems too hard." 나: "Don't worry, with your cooking skills, that recipe will be 'eating cold porridge' for you." 가: "Really? Then I'll give it a try!")
Running a Marathon: 가: "마라톤 완주는 나에겐 너무 큰 도전이야." 나: "하지만 넌 매일 열심히 훈련했잖아. 이젠 너에게 마라톤도 식은 죽 먹기지." 가: "맞아, 훈련의 결과를 믿어야겠다." (Translation: 가: "Completing a marathon is a huge challenge for me." 나: "But you've been training hard every day. Now, a marathon is 'eating cold porridge' for you." 가: "Right, I should trust the results of my training.")
Presenting at a Meeting: 가: "내일 회의에서 발표하는 게 긴장되네." 나: "너 발표 준비 많이 했잖아. 너한텐 식은 죽 먹기일 거야." 가: "맞아, 준비한 만큼 자신감을 가져야지." (Translation: 가: "I'm nervous about presenting at the meeting tomorrow." 나: "You've prepared a lot for it. It will be 'eating cold porridge' for you." 가: "Right, I should be confident as much as I've prepared.")
Taking a Driving Test: 가: "운전 시험 보는 게 걱정돼." 나: "너 이번 주 내내 연습했잖아. 이제 시험은 식은 죽 먹기야." 가: "그래, 연습한 만큼 잘할 수 있겠지." (Translation: 가: "I'm worried about taking the driving test." 나: "You've practiced all week. The test will now be 'eating cold porridge' for you." 가: "Yes, I can do well as much as I've practiced.")
가: "이번 주에 우리 팀이 새 프로젝트를 시작해야 해. 솔직히 말하면 좀 걱정되네." 나: "어떤 프로젝트인데?" 가: "고객 데이터베이스를 새 시스템으로 옮기는 건데, 복잡할 것 같아." 나: "그래도 넌 이런 일에 경험이 많잖아. 너한테는 식은 죽 먹기 아닐까?" 다: "맞아, 가. 너는 이전에도 비슷한 일을 잘 해냈잖아."
가: "그런가? 나도 그렇게 생각하긴 하는데, 팀원들이 새로운 작업에 적응하는 데 시간이 걸릴까 봐 걱정돼." 나: "팀원들도 잘 따라올 거야. 네가 잘 이끌어주면 될 거야." 다: "그리고 우리가 모르는 부분이 있으면 가가 도와줄 수 있잖아. 식은 죽 먹기처럼 쉽게 해결할 수 있을 거야."
가: "그 말 들으니까 마음이 좀 놓이네. 여러분의 지원에 정말 감사해. 이제 이 프로젝트를 식은 죽 먹기처럼 처리해보자고!" 나: "그래, 우리 모두 함께하면 할 수 있어!"
가: "We have to start a new project in our team this week. Honestly, I'm a bit worried." 나: "What kind of project is it?" 가: "It's about transferring our customer database to a new system, and it seems complex." 나: "But you have a lot of experience in this kind of work. Wouldn't it be 'eating cold porridge' for you?" 다: "Right, 가. You've handled similar tasks successfully before."
가: "Is that so? I think so too, but I'm concerned about how quickly the team members will adapt to the new task." 나: "The team members will catch up well. You just need to lead them effectively." 다: "And if there's something we don't know, you can help us, 가. We'll be able to handle it easily, like 'eating cold porridge.'"
가: "Hearing that eases my mind. I'm really grateful for your support. Let's tackle this project as if it's 'eating cold porridge'!" 나: "Yes, we can do it together!"
"식은 죽 먹기" serves as a vivid descriptor for tasks that require little to no effort. Its usage is widespread in Korean language and culture, highlighting the human tendency to categorize activities based on their difficulty level. This proverb, with its imagery and simplicity, effectively communicates the ease of a task in a relatable and humorous way.
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