Korean Proverbs: 2. 가는 말이 고와야 오는 말이 곱다

The Korean proverb "가는 말이 고와야 오는 말이 곱다" is a timeless saying reflecting the importance of respectful communication. This article explores its meaning, offers parallels in English, and discusses related expressions and their opposites.

Jan 6, 2024


The Korean proverb "가는 말이 고와야 오는 말이 곱다" is a timeless saying reflecting the importance of respectful communication. This article explores its meaning, offers parallels in English, and discusses related expressions and their opposites.

Literal Translation

Literally, "가는 말이 고와야 오는 말이 곱다" translates to "if the outgoing words are beautiful, the incoming words will be beautiful too." This direct translation points to the reciprocal nature of communication.

Figurative Interpretation

Figuratively, the proverb highlights the principle of reciprocity in human interactions, especially in speech. It suggests that kind and respectful words lead to positive responses, whereas harsh or negative speech often results in unpleasant replies. Essentially, it's about the golden rule of treating others as you want to be treated, especially in communication.

English Equivalent

In English, a similar sentiment is conveyed by the adage, "You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar." Like its Korean counterpart, this saying emphasizes the effectiveness of pleasantness and kindness over harshness in eliciting positive reactions from others.


  • "호랑이도 제 말 하면 온다" (Even a tiger will come running if you speak of it)
  • "입은 비뚤어져도 말은 바로 해라" (Even if your mouth is crooked, speak correctly)
These synonyms reinforce the importance of how one speaks or communicates, aligning with the original proverb's emphasis on the impact of words.


  • "말 한마디로 천냥 빚을 갚는다" (A single word can pay off a thousand nyang of debt)
  • "말이 씨가 된다" (Words become seeds)
These antonyms suggest the power and consequences of words, contrasting with the emphasis on reciprocal kindness in "가는 말이 고와야 오는 말이 곱다."

Usage Examples

  1. Customer Service: In a retail store, a customer approaches angrily about a defective product. The store manager calmly and politely addresses the customer's concerns. After the conversation, the customer leaves satisfied. An observing employee comments, “가는 말이 고와야 오는 말이 곱다더니, 매니저님 대응이 정말 대단해요.” (Translation: "It's true that 'if the outgoing words are beautiful, the incoming words will be beautiful too.' The manager’s response was remarkable.")
  1. Family Interaction: At a family dinner, a heated argument starts between siblings. The eldest, instead of escalating, speaks calmly and kindly, defusing the situation. Later, a family member notes, “역시 가는 말이 고와야 오는 말이 곱다라는 말이 맞아. 형의 말투가 분위기를 다 바꿨어.” (Translation: "'If the outgoing words are beautiful, the incoming words will be beautiful too' holds true. The older brother’s tone changed the entire atmosphere.")
  1. Workplace Communication: During a team meeting, one member starts to criticize another harshly. The criticized team member responds with understanding and constructive feedback. A colleague later remarks, “가는 말이 고와야 오는 말이 곱다는 말이 여기서 딱 들어맞네. 긍정적인 태도가 분위기를 바꿨어요.” (Translation: "'If the outgoing words are beautiful, the incoming words will be beautiful too' fits perfectly here. The positive attitude changed the atmosphere.")
  1. Negotiations: In a business negotiation, one party starts with aggressive demands. The other party, maintaining composure and politeness, steers the conversation towards a mutual agreement. Afterwards, an observer comments, “가는 말이 고와야 오는 말이 곱다, 정말 그 말이 맞아요. 예의 있는 대화가 결국 좋은 결과를 가져왔죠.” (Translation: "'If the outgoing words are beautiful, the incoming words will be beautiful too' is really true. Respectful conversation led to a good result.")

Simple Examples

  1. Online Communities:
    가: "이 온라인 포럼에서 사람들이 왜 이렇게 공격적인지 모르겠어."
    나: "글쎄, 내 생각에는 가는 말이 고와야 오는 말이 곱다고, 친절하게 글을 쓰면 다른 사람들도 더 친절하게 대답할 거야."
    (Translation: 가: "I don't understand why people in this online forum are so aggressive." 나: "Well, I think it's 'if the outgoing words are beautiful, the incoming words will be beautiful too.' If you write kindly, others will respond kindly.")
  1. School Setting:
    가: "오늘 선생님이 나에게 엄청 화를 냈어."
    나: "네가 먼저 불친절하게 말했잖아. 기억해, 가는 말이 고와야 오는 말이 곱다."
    (Translation: 가: "The teacher got really angry at me today." 나: "But you spoke rudely first. Remember, 'if the outgoing words are beautiful, the incoming words will be beautiful too.'")
  1. Customer and Service Provider:
    가: "오늘 그 서비스 센터 직원이 너무 친절했어."
    나: "그래? 너도 그들에게 항상 예의 바르게 대하잖아."
    가: "맞아, 가는 말이 고와야 오는 말이 곱다니까."
    (Translation: 가: "The staff at the service center was so kind today." 나: "Really? You're always polite to them, too." 가: "Right, it's 'if the outgoing words are beautiful, the incoming words will be beautiful too.'")
  1. In a Relationship:
    가: "내 친구가 파트너와 자주 다투는 것 같아."
    나: "그들이 서로에게 어떻게 말하는지 들어봤어?"
    가: "그렇지, 서로에게 존중하며 말하면 관계가 더 좋아질 거야. 가는 말이 고와야 오는 말이 곱다고."
    (Translation: 가: "My friend seems to argue a lot with their partner." 나: "Have you heard how they speak to each other?" 가: "Exactly, if they speak to each other with respect, their relationship would improve. It's 'if the outgoing words are beautiful, the incoming words will be beautiful too.'")


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가: "너 오늘 회의에서 김 팀장님하고 좀 심하게 말싸움했잖아."
나: "그래, 나도 좀 후회돼. 그런데 김 팀장님이 먼저 날카롭게 말했어."
다: "하지만 가는 말이 고와야 오는 말이 곱다잖아. 먼저 친절하게 말했다면 상황이 달라졌을 거야."
가: "맞아, 너도 처음부터 좀 더 부드럽게 대응했다면 김 팀장님도 태도를 바꿨을지도 몰라."
나: "그래, 그 말이 맞는 것 같아. 나도 좀 더 침착하게 말할걸 그랬어."
다: "우리 모두 실수에서 배우는 거야. 다음부터는 가는 말이 고와야 오는 말이 곱다는 생각으로 대화하면 좋겠어."
가: "네 말이 맞아. 상대방에게 어떻게 말하느냐가 대화의 분위기를 정하니까. 서로 예의를 갖추고 대화하는 게 중요해."
나: "맞아. 앞으로는 상대방에게 좋은 말을 하면 좋은 말로 돌아올 거야. 가는 말이 고와야 오는 말이 곱다, 이 말을 잊지 말아야겠어."
가: "You got into a bit of a heated argument with Team Leader Kim in the meeting today."
나: "Yes, I regret it a bit. But Team Leader Kim started with sharp words."
다: "But you know, 'if the outgoing words are beautiful, the incoming words will be beautiful too.' If you had started kindly, the situation might have been different."
가: "Right, if you had responded more gently from the beginning, maybe Team Leader Kim would have changed their attitude too."
나: "I think you're right. I should have been more calm in my response."
다: "We all learn from our mistakes. Next time, it would be good to converse with the thought that 'if the outgoing words are beautiful, the incoming words will be beautiful too.'"
가: "Your point is valid. How we speak to someone sets the tone for the conversation. It's important to communicate with respect for each other."
나: "Exactly. In the future, if I speak kindly to others, I'll receive kindness in return. I shouldn't forget 'if the outgoing words are beautiful, the incoming words will be beautiful too.'"
"가는 말이 고와야 오는 말이 곱다" serves as a valuable reminder of the power of words and the importance of respectful communication. It teaches us that the way we speak not only reflects our character but also shapes the responses we receive, reinforcing the timeless truth that kindness begets kindness.