The Korean idiom "발이 넓다" is an evocative expression that captures the essence of social connectivity and influence within Korean culture. This article will explore its meaning, provide an English equivalent, and discuss its associated expressions.
The Korean idiom "발이 넓다" is an evocative expression that captures the essence of social connectivity and influence within Korean culture. This article will explore its meaning, provide an English equivalent, and discuss its associated expressions.
Literal Translation
Literally, "발이 넓다" translates to "having wide feet." This idiom, however, does not concern the physical attribute of one's feet but rather uses the metaphor of "wide feet" to imply a broad network of contacts or connections.
Figurative Interpretation
Figuratively, "발이 넓다" refers to someone who has a wide range of social connections or influence across various circles. It signifies a person's ability to reach out to many people, often facilitating opportunities, gathering information, or mobilizing resources through their extensive network.
English Equivalent
The closest English equivalent to "발이 넓다" is "to have a wide network" or "to be well-connected." These phrases, similar to the Korean idiom, highlight the value and utility of having extensive social connections and the ability to navigate through different social or professional groups.
"인맥이 넓다" (to have a wide network of contacts)
"관계가 좋다" (to have good relations)
These synonyms emphasize the breadth and quality of one's social or professional connections, aligning with the concept of "발이 넓다."
"발이 좁다" (to have narrow feet) - implying limited social connections
"인맥이 없다" (to have no network)
These antonyms focus on the lack or limitation of social connections, contrasting with the extensive and beneficial networks indicated by "발이 넓다."
Usage Examples
In a Job Search: After successfully securing a job through a recommendation, a friend explains, “진우 덕분에 이 직장을 얻었어. 그 친구 정말 발이 넓더라.” (Translation: "I got this job thanks to Jinwoo. He really has a wide network.")
Organizing a Charity Event: When discussing the swift organization of a charity event, a committee member says, “우리 팀장님이 발이 넓어서 다양한 스폰서를 빠르게 확보했어요.” (Translation: "Our team leader is well-connected, so he secured various sponsors quickly.")
Finding a Rare Item: A collector shares their secret to finding rare items, “나는 발이 넓은 친구 덕분에 희귀한 아이템을 종종 구해. 그 친구가 정보를 많이 알고 있어.” (Translation: "I often find rare items thanks to a friend who has a wide network. He has a lot of information.")
In a Community Project: Reflecting on the success of a community project, a volunteer notes, “이번 프로젝트가 성공한 건 홍보를 잘해서야. 우리 중에 발이 넓은 사람이 많아서 좋았어.” (Translation: "The success of this project was due to good publicity. It was great having many people with wide connections among us.")
During a School Reunion: Catching up at a reunion, one alumnus mentions, “민정이 요즘 어떻게 지내? 들리는 바로는 정말 발이 넓다고 하던데.” (Translation: "How is Minjeong doing these days? I've heard she's very well-connected.")
Simple Dialogue Examples
Networking Event: 가: "이런 행사에 처음 와봐. 사람들과 잘 어울리는 법을 모르겠어." 나: "걱정 마, 나랑 같이 다니면 돼. 나는 좀 발이 넓은 편이라 친구들 소개시켜 줄게." (Translation: 가: "It's my first time at such an event. I don't know how to mingle well." 나: "Don't worry, just stick with me. I'm quite well-connected, so I'll introduce you to some friends.")
Looking for a House: 가: "새 집을 찾는 게 정말 힘들어." 나: "내가 도와줄게. 내 친구 중에 발이 넓은 부동산 중개인이 있어. 좋은 정보 많이 가지고 있지." (Translation: 가: "It's really hard looking for a new house." 나: "Let me help. I have a well-connected real estate agent friend. He has a lot of good information.")
Organizing a Charity Concert: 가: "이번 자선 콘서트에 출연할 아티스트를 어떻게 찾지?" 나: "걱정 마, 우리 밴드 멤버 중에 발이 넓은 사람이 있어. 여러 아티스트들과 연락해 볼 수 있을 거야." (Translation: 가: "How do we find artists to perform at the charity concert?" 나: "Don't worry, one of our band members is well-connected. He can reach out to various artists.")
Discussing a Startup: 가: "스타트업을 시작하고 싶은데, 투자자를 어떻게 찾지?" 나: "내가 알아볼게. 나 발이 넓은 친구한테 연락해 볼게. 그 친구가 많은 투자자들을 알고 있어." (Translation: 가: "I want to start a startup, but how do I find investors?" 나: "I'll look into it. I'll contact a well-connected friend of mine. He knows many investors.")
Planning a Group Trip: 가: "여행 계획 세우는 게 쉽지 않네. 좋은 숙소를 어떻게 구하지?" 나: "내가 한번 해볼게. 나 발이 넓은 여행 에이전트 아는데, 좋은 딜 찾아줄 수 있어." (Translation: 가: "Planning a trip isn't easy. How do we find a good place to stay?" 나: "Let me try. I know a well-connected travel agent who can find us a good deal.")
At a Startup Networking Mixer
가: "이번 행사에 참여하게 된 동기가 뭐야?"
나: "스타트업을 위한 투자자를 찾고 있어. 너는 어때?"
다: "나도 비슷해. 하지만 사실 연결고리가 많지 않아서 걱정이야."
라: "그런 걱정은 내게 맡겨. 나는 발이 꽤 넓거든. 몇몇 투자자들과도 좋은 관계를 유지하고 있어."
가: "정말? 그럼 우리 스타트업에도 관심을 가져줄 투자자를 소개시켜 줄 수 있을까?"
나: "우리 제품에 대해 간략히 설명해 줘. 내가 적절한 사람을 찾아볼게."
다: "와, 정말 고마워. 네가 발이 넓다는 건 들었지만 이렇게 빨리 도움을 받을 수 있을 줄은 몰랐어."
라: "문제 없어. 나도 여기서 좋은 사람들 많이 만나. 서로 도움이 되는 게 네트워킹의 핵심이지."
가: "이런 행사가 정말 중요하다는 걸 다시 한번 깨닫게 돼. 너처럼 발이 넓은 사람과 친구가 될 수 있어서 행운이야."
나: "앞으로도 서로 정보 공유하며 도움이 될 수 있으면 좋겠네. 너희 스타트업에 최적의 투자자를 찾는 데 기여하고 싶어."
다: "네 도움으로 큰 발전이 있길 바라. 너와의 연결이 우리에게 큰 기회가 될 것 같아."
라: "언제든 연락해. 좋은 인맥은 서로에게 이익이 되니까. 발이 넓은 것이 이럴 때 유용해."
(Translation: 가: "What motivated you to attend this event?" 나: "I'm looking for investors for my startup. What about you?" 다: "Same here. But honestly, I'm worried because I don't have many connections." 라: "Leave that worry to me. I have a wide network. I maintain good relationships with several investors." 가: "Really? Could you introduce investors who might be interested in our startup?" 나: "Give me a brief about your product. I'll see if I can find the right person." 다: "Wow, thanks. I heard you were well-connected, but I didn't expect to get help this quickly." 라: "No problem. I meet a lot of great people here too. Helping each other is the essence of networking." 가: "I'm reminded again of the importance of such events. I'm lucky to be friends with someone as well-connected as you." 나: "Hope we can continue to share information and help each other out. I'd like to contribute to finding the perfect investor for your startup." 다: "Hoping for significant progress with your help. Your connections could be a great opportunity for us." 라: "Contact me anytime. Good connections benefit us all. Having a wide network is useful for times like this.")
"발이 넓다" serves as a metaphor for the strength and breadth of one's social connections, underscoring the importance of networking in personal and professional success. This idiom reflects the societal value placed on being well-connected and the advantages that such a network can bring in various aspects of life.
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