Korean Idioms: 6. 입에 맞다

The Korean idiom "입에 맞다" plays a significant role in Korean culture, reflecting the importance of taste and preference. This article delves into its meaning, provides an English equivalent, and discusses related expressions.

Feb 8, 2024


The Korean idiom "입에 맞다" plays a significant role in Korean culture, reflecting the importance of taste and preference. This article delves into its meaning, provides an English equivalent, and discusses related expressions.

Literal Translation

The literal translation of "입에 맞다" is "to fit the mouth." This phrase uses the concept of something fitting one's mouth as a metaphor for suiting one's taste or preference, particularly in the context of food.

Figurative Interpretation

Figuratively, "입에 맞다" refers to food or flavors that align with one's taste preferences, resulting in a satisfying culinary experience. It can also extend to preferences beyond food, indicating that something is agreeable or pleasing to someone's tastes or standards.

English Equivalent

The closest English equivalent to "입에 맞다" is "to be to one's taste" or "to suit one's palate." These expressions, like the Korean idiom, convey the idea of finding something agreeable or enjoyable, especially in relation to food or flavors.


  1. "맛이 있다" (to be tasty)
  1. "취향에 맞다" (to match one's taste)
These synonyms emphasize the satisfaction and enjoyment derived from something that aligns with personal preferences, mirroring the sentiment of "입에 맞다."


  1. "입에 안 맞다" (to not suit one's taste)
  1. "맛이 없다" (to be tasteless)
These antonyms focus on dissatisfaction or a lack of enjoyment, contrasting with the pleasing and agreeable nature suggested by "입에 맞다."

Usage Examples

  1. Trying New Cuisine:
    At a newly opened Thai restaurant, one diner says to another, “이 팟타이 정말 입에 맞아. 태국 음식 처음 먹어보는데, 놀랍게도 맛있어.” (Translation: "This Pad Thai really suits my taste. It's my first time trying Thai food, and surprisingly, it's delicious.")
  1. At a Coffee Shop:
    A customer comments to the barista, “여기 아메리카노가 딱 입에 맞아. 커피가 너무 진하지도, 연하지도 않아서 좋아요.” (Translation: "The Americano here is exactly to my liking. I like that the coffee is neither too strong nor too weak.")
  1. During a Family Dinner:
    After tasting a homemade dish, a family member remarks, “엄마, 이 요리 진짜 입에 맞아. 집밥이 최고야.” (Translation: "Mom, this dish really suits my palate. Home-cooked meals are the best.")
  1. In a Cooking Class:
    A student trying their own creation says, “이렇게 요리해 본 건 처음인데, 생각보다 맛이 입에 맞네요.” (Translation: "It's my first time cooking this way, but the taste is surprisingly to my liking.")
  1. While Traveling Abroad:
    Exploring local street food, a traveler notes, “이 나라의 길거리 음식이 정말 입에 맞아. 다양한 맛을 경험할 수 있어서 좋아.” (Translation: "The street food in this country really suits my taste. I love being able to experience a variety of flavors.")

Simple Dialogue Examples

  1. Discussing Lunch Options:
    가: "점심으로 뭐 먹고 싶어?"
    나: "나는 한식이 입에 맞아. 김치찌개 어때?"
    (Translation: 가: "What do you want for lunch?" 나: "I prefer Korean food. How about Kimchi stew?")
  1. At a Wine Tasting Event:
    가: "이 와인은 어떤가요?"
    나: "이건 정말 입에 맞네요. 부드럽고 과일 향이 나요."
    (Translation: 가: "How's this wine?" 나: "This one really suits my palate. It's smooth and fruity.")
  1. Trying a New Snack:
    가: "새로 나온 이 과자 맛있어 보이던데."
    나: "음, 나한테 딱 입에 맞아. 달콤하면서도 짭짤해."
    (Translation: 가: "The new snack looks tasty." 나: "Hmm, it's exactly to my liking. Sweet and salty.")
  1. Choosing a Restaurant:
    가: "오늘 저녁 어디서 먹을까?"
    나: "나는 그 이탈리안 레스토랑이 입에 맞아. 거기 가자."
    (Translation: 가: "Where should we eat dinner tonight?" 나: "I like that Italian restaurant. Let's go there.")
  1. After a Cooking Experiment:
    가: "네가 만든 새로운 요리 시도해 봤어?"
    나: "네, 맛이 꽤 입에 맞더라고요. 자신감이 생겼어요."
    (Translation: 가: "Did you try making that new dish?" 나: "Yes, the taste was quite to my liking. It gave me confidence.")

At a Culinary Club Meeting

가: "다음 모임에서는 어떤 요리를 시도해볼까?"
나: "나는 이탈리안 요리가 좋을 것 같아. 피자나 파스타처럼 대부분 사람들 입에 맞는 음식이 좋겠어."
다: "그래, 피자는 정말 모두가 좋아하잖아. 다양한 토핑을 준비해서 각자 입에 맞게 만들어 볼 수도 있고."
라: "파스타도 좋아. 소스 종류를 여러 가지 해서 선택의 폭을 넓혀보자. 입에 맞는 소스를 고를 수 있게."
가: "좋은 생각이야. 이탈리안 요리로 결정하고, 각자 입에 맞는 재료를 가져오기로 해. 그럼 더 다양한 맛을 즐길 수 있을 거야."
나: "음식 준비하는 것도 중요하지만, 우리가 만든 음식이 서로의 입에 맞았으면 좋겠어. 서로의 취향도 알아갈 수 있는 기회가 될 거야."
다: "그래, 이번 기회에 서로의 입맛도 탐구하고, 요리 실력도 향상시키자. 입에 맞는 요리를 찾는 것도 재미있을 거야."
라: "모임 날짜는 언제로 할까? 입에 맞는 음식으로 행복한 시간을 보내고 싶어."
가: "다음 주 토요일은 어때? 모두에게 입에 맞는 멋진 저녁을 준비해 보자."
(Translation: 가: "What should we try cooking for our next meeting?" 나: "I think Italian cuisine would be nice. Foods like pizza and pasta generally suit everyone's taste." 다: "Yeah, everyone loves pizza. We could prepare various toppings so everyone can make something to their taste." 라: "Pasta is good too. Let's offer a variety of sauces to give people choices. That way, they can find what suits their palate." 가: "That's a good idea. Let's settle on Italian cuisine and each bring ingredients that suit our tastes. That way, we can enjoy a wider range of flavors." 나: "It's important to prepare the food, but I hope what we make suits everyone's taste. It'll be a chance to learn about each other's preferences too." 다: "Let's use this opportunity to explore each other's tastes and improve our cooking skills. Finding what's to our taste will be fun." 라: "When should we meet? I'm looking forward to a happy time with food that suits our taste." 가: "How about next Saturday? Let's prepare a wonderful dinner that's to everyone's taste.")


"입에 맞다" encapsulates the personal and subjective nature of taste and preference, especially in the culinary world. This idiom highlights the significance of enjoying and appreciating food that aligns with one's personal tastes, as well as the broader application of the concept to other areas of life where personal preference plays a crucial role.