Korean Idioms: 4. 마음을 먹다

The Korean idiom "마음을 먹다" is a deeply expressive and commonly used phrase in Korean culture. This article will explore its meaning, provide an English equivalent, and discuss its associated expressions.

Jan 7, 2024


The Korean idiom "마음을 먹다" is a deeply expressive and commonly used phrase in Korean culture. This article will explore its meaning, provide an English equivalent, and discuss its associated expressions.

Literal Translation

The literal translation of "마음을 먹다" is "to eat one's heart." However, this phrase does not involve the physical act of eating. Instead, it uses the concept of 'eating' metaphorically.

Figurative Interpretation

Figuratively, "마음을 먹다" refers to making up one's mind or deciding firmly to do something. It implies a strong determination or resolve to undertake a particular action or approach a situation in a certain way. This idiom is often used in contexts where a person transitions from a state of indecision to one of clear and firm resolve.

English Equivalent

The closest English equivalent to "마음을 먹다" is "to set one's heart on something" or "to make up one's mind." These phrases, like the Korean idiom, convey the act of firmly deciding or committing to a particular course of action.


  1. "결심하다" (to decide firmly)
  1. "단단히 마음먹다" (to firmly make up one's mind)
These synonyms emphasize the aspect of firm decision-making and resolve, mirroring the essence of "마음을 먹다."


  1. "망설이다" (to hesitate)
  1. "결정을 못 내리다" (to be unable to make a decision)
These antonyms focus on indecision and lack of resolve, contrasting with the definitive and resolute nature of "마음을 먹다."

Usage Examples

  1. In a Career Change Decision:
    A friend contemplating a job change says to another, “오랫동안 고민했지만, 이제 마음을 먹고 회사를 그만두기로 했어.” (Translation: "After a long consideration, I've finally made up my mind to quit my job.")
  1. Preparing for a Marathon:
    A person training for a marathon states, “마라톤을 완주하기로 마음을 먹었어. 매일 훈련하고 있어.” (Translation: "I've set my heart on finishing the marathon. I'm training every day.")
  1. In a Weight Loss Journey:
    Someone discussing their health goals says, “이번에는 진짜로 체중 감량하기로 마음을 먹었어. 건강한 식습관을 시작했어.” (Translation: "This time, I've really made up my mind to lose weight. I've started healthy eating habits.")
  1. Deciding to Study Abroad:
    A student talking about their future plans mentions, “유학을 가기로 마음을 먹었어. 어제 학교에 지원서를 냈어.” (Translation: "I've decided to study abroad. I submitted my application to the school yesterday.")
  1. Committing to a Relationship:
    In a conversation about relationships, one person reveals, “이제 진지한 관계를 시작하기로 마음을 먹었어. 더 이상 가벼운 만남은 없을 거야.” (Translation: "I've made up my mind to start a serious relationship. No more casual dating for me.")

Simple Dialogue Examples

  1. Discussing a New Hobby:
    가: "너 요즘 뭐하며 시간을 보내?"
    나: "기타 배우기로 마음을 먹었어. 새로운 취미가 필요했거든."
    (Translation: 가: "What have you been doing with your time lately?" 나: "I've made up my mind to learn guitar. I needed a new hobby.")
  1. Talking about Exercise:
    가: "매일 아침 조깅하는 거 보니 대단하다."
    나: "건강을 위해 운동하기로 마음을 먹었어. 꾸준히 하려고 해."
    (Translation: 가: "It's impressive to see you jogging every morning." 나: "I've decided to exercise for my health. I'm trying to be consistent.")
  1. In a Financial Planning Conversation:
    가: "저축을 더 하려고 하는데, 어떻게 시작해야 할까?"
    나: "나도 절약하기로 마음을 먹었어. 함께 예산 계획을 세워보자."
    (Translation: 가: "I want to save more, but how should I start?" 나: "I've also made up my mind to save money. Let's make a budget plan together.")
  1. During a Study Group Session:
    가: "이번 시험에 좋은 점수를 받아야 해."
    나: "그래, 나도 공부에 집중하기로 마음을 먹었어. 함께 열심히 해보자."
    (Translation: 가: "I need to get good grades on this exam." 나: "Right, I've decided to focus on studying. Let's work hard together.")
  1. Planning a Vacation:
    가: "올해는 어디로 여행 가고 싶어?"
    나: "스페인으로 가기로 마음을 먹었어. 오랫동안 가고 싶었던 곳이거든."
    (Translation: 가: "Where do you want to travel this year?" 나: "I've set my heart on going to Spain. It's a place I've wanted to visit for a long time.")


At a College Reunion
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가: "너 아직도 그 회사에서 일하고 있니?"
나: "아니, 최근에 나만의 사업을 시작하기로 마음을 먹었어. 오랫동안 고민 끝에 결정했지."
다: "와, 그건 큰 결정이네! 무슨 사업인데?"
가: "처음에는 불안했지만, 나에게 진정으로 중요한 일을 하기로 마음먹었어. 환경 친화적인 제품을 만드는 회사야."
라: "정말 멋진 일이네. 어떻게 그런 결심을 했어?"
나: "사실, 대학 때부터 생각했던 거야. 하지만 직장 생활을 하면서 용기가 필요했어. 마침내 내 꿈을 따르기로 마음을 먹었지."
다: "네가 마음을 먹고 한 선택이니 분명 잘될 거야. 너의 열정을 알아. 정말 대단해!"
가: "맞아, 우리 모두 널 응원할게. 네가 성공할 수 있도록 힘을 보태줄게."
라: "그래, 네가 항상 원하던 일을 하게 되어서 기쁘다. 네 마음을 먹은 결정이 너에게 큰 성공을 가져다주길 바랄게!"
나: "고마워, 여러분. 여러분의 지지가 큰 힘이 될 거야. 내 꿈을 이루기 위해 최선을 다할게."
가: "Are you still working at that company?"
나: "No, I recently decided to start my own business. It was a decision I made after a lot of thought."
다: "Wow, that's a big decision! What kind of business is it?"
가: "I was initially anxious, but I made up my mind to do something truly important to me. It's a company that makes eco-friendly products."
라: "That's really admirable. How did you make such a decision?"
나: "Actually, I've been thinking about it since college. But working a job, I needed the courage. Finally, I decided to follow my dream."
다: "Since it's a choice you've made with determination, I'm sure it will go well. I know your passion. It's really impressive!"
가: "Yes, we all support you. We'll help you succeed."
라: "Indeed, I'm happy you're doing what you've always wanted. I hope your resolute decision brings you great success!"
나: "Thank you, everyone. Your support means a lot. I'll do my best to achieve my dream."


"마음을 먹다" encapsulates the moment of transition from hesitation to decisiveness. This idiom highlights the importance of resolve and determination in making choices and committing to actions. It serves as a reminder of the power of a decided heart and mind in shaping one's path and actions.