The Korean idiom "눈이 높다" is a common and significant expression in Korean culture. This article will explore its meaning, provide an English equivalent, and discuss related expressions.
The Korean idiom "눈이 높다" is a common and significant expression in Korean culture. This article will explore its meaning, provide an English equivalent, and discuss related expressions.
Literal Translation
The literal translation of "눈이 높다" is "to have high eyes." This idiom uses the concept of one's "eyes" being "high" as a metaphor for a particular characteristic.
Figurative Interpretation
Figuratively, "눈이 높다" refers to someone who has high standards, tastes, or expectations, often to the point of being hard to satisfy. It is typically used to describe a person who is selective and has discerning preferences, especially in relationships, aesthetics, or quality.
English Equivalent
The closest English equivalent to "눈이 높다" is "to have high standards" or "to be picky." These expressions, similar to the Korean idiom, highlight a person's tendency to seek and expect the best or the highest quality in various aspects of life.
"기준이 까다롭다" (to have stringent criteria)
"선택이 까다롭다" (to be selective in choosing)
These synonyms emphasize the discernment and high expectations aligned with "눈이 높다."
"눈이 낮다" (to have low eyes) - implying less discerning or lower standards
"만족하기 쉽다" (to be easily satisfied)
These antonyms focus on having less discerning tastes or lower expectations, contrasting with the high standards suggested by "눈이 높다."
Usage Examples
In a Fashion Store: A customer meticulously examines each piece of clothing before making a choice. The sales assistant remarks to a colleague, “그 고객은 정말 눈이 높아. 마음에 드는 걸 찾기가 쉽지 않을 거야.” (Translation: "That customer has really high standards. It won't be easy to find something that satisfies them.")
In a Relationship Conversation: Two friends are discussing dating preferences. One says, “민지는 항상 데이트 상대에 대한 기준이 엄청 높아. 그녀는 눈이 높은 편이야.” (Translation: "Minji always has very high criteria for who she dates. She's someone with high standards.")
During a Job Recruitment Process: An HR manager comments on a candidate, “이 지원자는 우리 회사에 대한 기대가 크다. 분명히 눈이 높은 사람이야.” (Translation: "This applicant has great expectations for our company. Clearly, they have high standards.")
At a Real Estate Showing: After showing multiple properties to a client, the real estate agent says, “이 고객은 집에 대한 기준이 정말 까다로워. 눈이 높은 사람들은 만족시키기 어려워.” (Translation: "This client has very stringent criteria for houses. It's hard to satisfy people with high standards.")
In an Art Gallery: An artist overhears a visitor critiquing various artworks. The artist notes to a colleague, “저 방문객은 예술 작품에 대해 까다로운 평가를 하네. 정말 눈이 높은 사람 같아.” (Translation: "That visitor is making critical assessments of the art pieces. They seem to have very high standards.")
Simple Dialogue Examples
In a Book Club: 가: "유나는 새로 나온 책들에 대해 항상 비판적이야." 나: "그녀는 정말 눈이 높아. 쉽게 만족하지 않으니까." Translation 가: "Yuna is always critical of new books." 나: "She has high standards. She's not easily satisfied."
While Shopping for Clothes: 가: "이 매장에서 네가 마음에 드는 옷을 찾을 수 있을까?" 나: "나는 눈이 높아서 여기선 좀 힘들지도 몰라." Translation 가: "Can you find clothes you like in this store?" 나: "I have high standards, so it might be difficult here."
Discussing a Friend's Dating Life: 가: "지현이 왜 아직도 솔로야?" 나: "그녀는 눈이 높아. 마음에 드는 사람을 찾기가 쉽지 않아." Translation 가: "Why is Jihyun still single?" 나: "She's picky. It's not easy for her to find someone she likes."
At a Restaurant: 가: "이 음식이 어때? 맛있어?" 나: "난 눈이 좀 높아서 이 정도로는 만족 못해." Translation 가: "How's the food? Is it good?" 나: "I'm hard to please, so this isn't quite satisfying for me."
In a Team Meeting: 가: "우리 팀 프로젝트 결과에 대해 호진이 의견은 어때?" 나: "호진은 눈이 높아. 그의 기대치를 충족시키기 어려워." Translation 가: "What does Hojin think about our team project results?" 나: "Hojin has high standards. It's hard to meet his expectations."
In a University Study Group
가: "이번 학기에 우리 그룹 프로젝트로 진희를 데려올까?" 나: "진희? 그녀는 눈이 높아서 우리 팀에 맞을까?" 다: "진희가 눈이 높긴 해도, 그녀의 기준이 높은 것이 팀에 도움이 될 거야."
라: "맞아. 그녀의 높은 기준이 우리 작업의 질을 향상시킬 수 있어." 가: "하지만 그녀의 높은 기대에 부응할 수 있을까 걱정이야." 나: "진희는 눈이 높지만 현실적이야. 우리도 최선을 다하면 될 거야."
다: "그리고 그녀는 팀에 좋은 아이디어를 많이 가져올 거야. 눈이 높은 만큼 통찰력도 깊으니까." 라: "그렇지. 우리 모두 진희의 높은 기준에 맞춰 노력하면 더 좋은 결과를 낼 수 있어." 가: "그럼, 진희에게 접근해볼게. 그녀의 눈이 높다는 건 우리에게 좋은 도전이 될 거야."
나: "좋아, 우리 모두 이 기회를 통해 성장할 수 있을 거야. 진희의 높은 기준이 우리의 잠재력을 이끌어내 줄 테니."
가: "Should we bring Jinhee into our group project this semester?" 나: "Jinhee? She has high standards. Will she fit in with our team?" 다: "Although Jinhee is picky, her high criteria will be beneficial for our team."
라: "Right. Her high standards can improve the quality of our work." 가: "But I'm worried if we can meet her high expectations." 나: "Jinhee has high standards, but she's realistic. We just have to do our best." 다: "Plus, she'll bring a lot of good ideas to the team. Her insight is as deep as her standards are high."
라: "Exactly. If we all strive to meet her high standards, we can achieve better results." 가: "Then, I'll approach Jinhee. Her high standards will be a good challenge for us." 나: "Great, we all can grow through this opportunity. Her high expectations will bring out our potential."
"눈이 높다" encapsulates the idea of having elevated standards or expectations in various areas of life. This idiom emphasizes the importance of discernment and preference, while also hinting at the challenges that can come with being particularly selective or hard to satisfy.
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