The Korean idiom "입이 무겁다" is a widely recognized expression in Korean culture. This article aims to explore its meaning, provide an English equivalent, and discuss its related expressions.
The Korean idiom "입이 무겁다" is a widely recognized expression in Korean culture. This article aims to explore its meaning, provide an English equivalent, and discuss its related expressions.
Literal Translation
Literally, "입이 무겁다" translates to "having a heavy mouth." This idiom employs the metaphor of weight in relation to one's mouth to convey a deeper meaning.
Figurative Interpretation
Figuratively, "입이 무겁다" refers to a person who is discreet and can keep secrets. It implies that the individual does not easily reveal information or engage in gossip. The expression is used in a positive context, highlighting the virtue of trustworthiness and reliability in maintaining confidentiality.
English Equivalent
The closest English equivalent to "입이 무겁다" is "to be tight-lipped" or "to keep one's lips sealed." These phrases, akin to the Korean idiom, underscore the quality of being able to keep information confidential and not divulging secrets.
"비밀을 잘 지키다" (to keep secrets well)
"말을 아끼다" (to be sparing with words)
These synonyms emphasize the ability to maintain confidentiality and discretion in speech, resonating with the message conveyed in "입이 무겁다."
"입이 가볍다" (to have a light mouth) - implying that one easily shares secrets or talks too much
"말이 많다" (to be talkative)
These antonyms focus on the tendency to divulge information or speak excessively, contrasting with the idea of being discreet and trustworthy as suggested by "입이 무겁다."
Usage Examples
In a Corporate Setting: A manager entrusts a sensitive project to an employee. The manager comments, “저 직원은 입이 무겁다고 알려져 있어. 그래서 중요한 업무를 맡겼지.” (Translation: "That employee is known for being tight-lipped. That’s why I entrusted them with this important task.")
During a Family Conversation: Discussing a surprise party for a relative, one family member says, “민주는 비밀을 잘 지키니까, 그녀에게 준비를 맡기자. 입이 무거운 사람이 필요해.” (Translation: "Minju is good at keeping secrets, so let's have her handle the preparations. We need someone who is tight-lipped.")
In a School Environment: After hearing a rumor, a student says to a friend, “나는 그 소식을 준희에게 들었어. 그런데 걱정하지 마, 그녀는 입이 무겁거든.” (Translation: "I heard that news from Junhee. But don't worry, she is discreet.")
At a Social Gathering: Someone mentions, “우리 중에 누군가 비밀을 샜나 봐. 하지만 지현이는 아닐 거야, 그녀는 입이 무거워서.” (Translation: "It seems someone among us has leaked a secret. But it wouldn’t be Jihyun, she is known for keeping things to herself.")
In a Professional Networking Event: Discussing a potential partnership, one businessman says to another, “우리 팀의 유진이 이번 거래에 대해 알고 있어. 그녀는 입이 무거우니 걱정하지 마세요.” (Translation: "Yujin from our team knows about this deal. She's discreet, so don't worry about it.")
Simple Dialogue Examples
In a Company Meeting: 가: "이번 신제품에 대한 정보를 누가 유출했을까?" 나: "진수는 입이 무겁다고 알려져 있어. 그가 유출했을 리 없어." (Translation: 가: "Who might have leaked information about the new product?" 나: "Jinsu is known for being tight-lipped. It couldn’t have been him.")
During a Friends' Gathering: 가: "너는 민지에게 네 비밀을 말했어?" 나: "응, 걱정 마. 민지는 입이 무거워. 아무한테도 말 안 할 거야." (Translation: 가: "Did you tell Minji your secret?" 나: "Yes, but don't worry. Minji keeps things to herself. She won’t tell anyone.")
In a School Project: 가: "우리 조의 아이디어가 다른 조에게 알려졌어. 누가 말했을까?" 나: "혜린이는 입이 무거워. 그녀는 절대 그런 일을 하지 않을 거야." (Translation: 가: "Our group's idea got out to another group. Who told them?" 나: "Hyelin is discreet. She would never do such a thing.")
At a Family Reunion: 가: "가족 여행 계획을 할 때, 할아버지 생신 깜짝 파티 이야기를 누가 했어?" 나: "지아가 했어. 하지만 걱정하지 마. 지아는 입이 무거워서 할아버지한테는 말 안 할 거야." (Translation: 가: "Who mentioned the surprise birthday party for Grandpa when planning the family trip?" 나: "Jia did. But don’t worry, she won’t tell Grandpa. She's discreet.")
In a Confidential Meeting: 가: "이 중요한 정보를 누구에게 맡길까?" 나: "윤호가 제일 적합해. 그는 입이 무거워서 비밀을 잘 지킬 거야." (Translation: 가: "Who should we entrust this important information to?" 나: "Yoonho would be the best. He’s known for being tight-lipped and will keep the secret.")
At a University Research Team Meeting
가: "이번 연구 결과는 정말 중요해. 우리 팀 내부에서만 유지해야 해."
나: "그래서 누가 데이터를 관리할 건데?"
다: "나는 수진이가 적합하다고 생각해. 그녀는 입이 무거운 사람이니까."
라: "수진이? 그녀가 항상 조용해서 걱정이 되는데."
가: "그게 바로 좋은 점이야. 수진이는 말이 별로 없지만, 일 처리가 철저해. 정보를 외부로 새지 않을 거야."
나: "그렇구나. 그녀가 조용한 것이 비밀을 잘 지키는 데 도움이 되는 거네."
다: "정말 그래. 수진이는 지금까지 어떤 비밀도 밝힌 적이 없어. 팀원들 사이에서도 그녀의 신뢰도가 높아."
라: "그럼 수진이에게 맡기자. 그녀가 입이 무거운 만큼 안심할 수 있겠어."
가: "알겠어. 수진이에게 연락해서 상황을 설명하고, 중요성을 강조할게. 우리 연구가 성공적으로 진행되려면 내부 정보 관리가 정말 중요하니까."
나: "좋아. 우리 모두 수진이를 지원하고, 이 비밀을 함께 지키자."
가: "This research data is very important. It must stay within our team."
나: "So, who will manage the data?"
다: "I think Sujin is suitable. She's known for being discreet."
라: "Sujin? I'm concerned because she's always so quiet."
가: "That's exactly why she's perfect. She may not talk much, but she's thorough in her work and won't let information leak."
나: "I see. Her quiet nature actually helps in keeping secrets."
다: "Exactly. Sujin has never revealed any secrets. She's highly trusted among the team members."
라: "Then let's entrust it to Sujin. We can feel secure knowing she's tight-lipped."
가: "Okay. I'll contact Sujin, explain the situation, and emphasize its importance. Managing internal information is crucial for the success of our research."
나: "Great. Let's all support Sujin and keep this secret together."
"입이 무겁다" serves as a reminder of the value of discretion and trustworthiness. This idiom underscores the importance of being responsible with one's words and the trust placed by others in maintaining confidentiality.
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