The Korean idiom "귀가 얇다" is an intriguing and widely used expression in Korean culture. This article aims to explore its meaning, offer an English equivalent, and discuss its associated expressions.
The Korean idiom "귀가 얇다" is an intriguing and widely used expression in Korean culture. This article aims to explore its meaning, offer an English equivalent, and discuss its associated expressions.
Literal Translation
The literal translation of "귀가 얇다" is "to have thin ears." This idiom uses the imagery of ear thickness as a metaphor to convey a particular character trait.
Figurative Interpretation
Figuratively, "귀가 얇다" refers to someone who is easily influenced or swayed by others' opinions. It suggests that the person does not have strong personal convictions and tends to agree with or follow what others say easily. The idiom is often used in a somewhat negative context, implying a lack of firmness or susceptibility to persuasion.
English Equivalent
The closest English equivalent to "귀가 얇다" is "to be easily led" or "to be impressionable." These expressions, like the Korean idiom, highlight the idea of being easily influenced by others' thoughts or opinions.
"마음이 약하다" (to have a weak heart/mind)
"영향을 쉽게 받다" (to be easily influenced)
These synonyms emphasize the susceptibility to external influence or lack of firm personal convictions, mirroring the essence of "귀가 얇다."
"귀가 두껍다" (to have thick ears) - implying resistance to others' opinions
"확고한 신념을 가지다" (to have strong convictions)
These antonyms focus on having a strong personal belief system and not being easily swayed by others, which contrasts with the idea of being impressionable as suggested by "귀가 얇다."
Usage Examples
In Classroom Discussion: A student who rarely speaks up in class surprises everyone with insightful comments during a discussion. A classmate whispers, "그 친구 평소에 말이 없어서 몰랐는데, 생각이 정말 깊네. 귀가 얇다고만 봤는데 아니었어." (Translation: "I didn't realize that friend, who is usually quiet, has such deep thoughts. I thought they were just impressionable, but I was wrong.")
During a Group Project: A team member, known for usually going along with others' ideas, suddenly proposes an innovative solution. Another team member remarks, "평소에 다른 사람 말만 듣던 친구가 이런 창의적인 아이디어를 낼 줄이야. 귀가 얇다고만 생각했었는데." (Translation: "I never expected the friend who usually just listens to others to come up with such a creative idea. I thought they were easily influenced.")
In a Family Gathering: A young family member, often swayed by relatives' opinions, confidently expresses their own viewpoint on a matter. An elder comments, "언제나 남의 말만 듣던 애가 자기 의견을 이렇게 분명히 말하다니. 귀가 얇다고만 봤던 내가 틀렸어." (Translation: "I never thought the kid who always listens to others would express their opinion so clearly. I was wrong to think they were just easily led.")
At a Social Event: A person known for following trends and opinions suddenly challenges a popular viewpoint in a discussion. A friend notes, "항상 유행이나 다른 사람 의견에 휩쓸리던 친구가 이렇게 자신의 생각을 표현하다니, 귀가 얇다고만 생각했던 내가 놀랐어." (Translation: "I'm surprised that the friend, who usually gets swept up in trends and others' opinions, expressed their own thoughts. I thought they were too impressionable.")
In a Work Meeting: A colleague, often agreeing with others, stands their ground on an important issue, contradicting popular opinion. A coworker observes, "평소에 남의 의견에 쉽게 동조하던 사람이 이렇게 자기 주장을 강하게 하다니, 정말 귀가 얇다고만 볼 수 없겠어." (Translation: "The person who usually easily agrees with others is strongly asserting their own view. I can't just see them as easily influenced anymore.")
Simpe Dialogue Examples
In a Cooking Class: 가: "지금 그 요리 초보가 이렇게 멋진 요리를 만들다니 믿을 수가 없어." 나: "맞아, 실력이 정말 뛰어나. 사람은 귀가 얇다고만 볼 수 없어." (Translation: 가: "I can't believe the beginner in cooking just made such a fantastic dish." 나: "Right, their skills are really impressive. You can't judge someone as just being impressionable.")
During a Book Club Meeting: 가: "평소에 책에 대해 말을 많이 안 하던 사람이 오늘 토론에서 주도적이었어." 나: "그래, 의외로 통찰력 있는 의견을 내더라. 귀가 얇다고만 봤는데 아니었나 봐." (Translation: 가: "The person who usually doesn't talk much about books took the lead in today's discussion." 나: "Yes, they had surprisingly insightful comments. I thought they were easily influenced, but maybe not.")
In a Team Sports Game: 가: "그 팀의 새 멤버가 오늘 경기에서 MVP가 될 줄은 몰랐네." 나: "진짜로. 다른 사람 말만 듣던 것 같았는데, 실력이 대단하네. 귀가 얇다고만 볼 수 없겠어." (Translation: 가: "I didn't expect the new member of that team to be the MVP of today's game." 나: "Really. They seemed to just listen to others, but their skills are amazing. Can't just consider them easily influenced.")
At an Office Presentation: 가: "그 조용한 동료가 이렇게 설득력 있는 프레젠테이션을 할 줄은 몰랐어." 나: "나도 놀랐어. 평소에 귀가 얇다고만 생각했었는데, 아이디어가 정말 좋았어." (Translation: 가: "I didn't expect that quiet colleague to give such a persuasive presentation." 나: "I was surprised too. I always thought they were easily influenced, but their ideas were really good.")
During a Photography Contest: 가: "항상 다른 사람 의견에 쉽게 동조하던 사람이 이렇게 멋진 사진을 찍다니." 나: "정말 놀라워. 창의력이 대단하더라. 귀가 얇다고만 볼 수 없는 거야." (Translation: 가: "It's unbelievable that the person who always easily agrees with others took such an amazing photograph." 나: "It's really surprising. Their creativity is impressive. They're not just easily influenced.")
At a University Club Meeting
가: "이번 프로젝트에서 지훈이가 리더를 맡는다는 게 사실이야? 그 친구 평소에 다른 사람 말에 휘둘리기 쉬운 것 같던데."
나: "응, 맞아. 처음엔 나도 놀랐어. 지훈이가 리더십을 발휘할 수 있을까 싶었거든."
다: "근데 지훈이가 어제 모임에서 정말 훌륭한 아이디어를 냈어. 나도 처음엔 귀가 얇아 보였는데, 그게 아니었나 봐."
가: "정말? 아직도 믿기지 않는데."
나: "그러게. 지훈이가 회의에서 전략적으로 문제를 해결하는 걸 보고 깜짝 놀랐어. 평소에 남의 의견에 쉽게 동조하는 것처럼 보였는데, 그게 전부는 아니었던 거야."
다: "맞아, 그리고 그가 팀원들의 의견을 잘 조율하면서, 모두가 동의하는 방향으로 프로젝트를 이끌더라고. 내가 귀가 얇다고만 생각했던 건 잘못된 판단이었어."
가: "그럼, 지훈이가 이번 프로젝트에서 좋은 결과를 낼 수 있을 거 같네. 사람을 겉모습만 보고 판단하면 안 되는 거야. 귀가 얇다고만 생각했던 지훈이가 이렇게 능력을 보여주다니, 정말 놀랍네."
나: "진짜야. 사람은 언제나 놀라움을 줄 수 있어. 귀가 얇은 것 같아 보이는 사람도 자신만의 강점을 가지고 있을 수 있으니까."
가: "Is it true that Jihoon is leading this project? He seems to be easily swayed by others' opinions usually."
나: "Yes, it's true. I was surprised at first too. I wondered if Jihoon could exhibit leadership."
다: "But Jihoon came up with really great ideas at the meeting yesterday. I thought he was impressionable at first, but maybe that's not the case."
가: "Really? I still can't believe it."
나: "Exactly. I was shocked to see Jihoon strategically solving problems during the meeting. He seemed to easily agree with others' opinions usually, but that wasn't everything."
다: "Right, and he managed to coordinate the team members' opinions well, leading the project in a direction everyone agreed with. I was wrong to think of him as merely impressionable."
가: "Then, it looks like Jihoon could bring good results to this project. We shouldn't judge people just by their appearance. It's amazing that Jihoon, who I thought was easily influenced, shows such capability."
나: "It's true. People can always surprise you. Even someone who seems to be impressionable might have their own strengths."
"귀가 얇다" serves as a cultural reflection on the value of having personal convictions and the potential pitfalls of being too susceptible to external influences. This idiom emphasizes the importance of developing one's own beliefs and opinions, rather than easily conforming to those of others.
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