Hamdam Muqimov

Hamdam Muqimov

Software Engineer and Researcher at Digitrack Inc. Building Mobile, Desktop, Web and server-side softwares.


Module 2 - Chapter 4: Understanding Functions in C#

Mar 29, 2024

Functions are a cornerstone of programming, allowing developers to encapsulate code that performs a specific task into a reusable and maintainable block. In C#, functions are defined within classes or structs, and they are referred to as methods. This chapter will dive into the basics of defining and using functions in C#, covering their syntax, types, parameters, and return values. Understanding functions is crucial for both beginners and intermediate developers, as they provide the building blocks for structuring and organizing code in any application.

Module 1 - Chapter 1: Understanding C# (CSharp)

Mar 28, 2024

Welcome to the exciting world of C#! If you're embarking on your journey to learn C#, you've chosen a powerful, versatile language that's used for a wide range of applications, from simple desktop programs to complex web services. In this chapter, we'll explore what C# is, its history, and why it's a preferred choice for many developers. Let's dive in.

Module 1 - Chapter 2: Setting Up Your Environment for C# Development

Mar 28, 2024

Embarking on a journey with C# programming requires a solid foundation, and that starts with setting up your development environment correctly. This chapter will guide you through installing Visual Studio, exploring its interface, and running your first C# program. By the end of this chapter, you'll have everything you need to start coding in C#.

Module 1 - Chapter 3: Basics of C# Programming

Mar 28, 2024

Diving into the world of programming with C# is an exciting journey. This chapter aims to introduce the fundamental concepts of C# programming that every beginner needs to understand. By the end of this section, you will be familiar with the syntax and basic constructs of C#, how to manage data using variables and data types, and how to interact with users through console input and output. Additionally, you'll grasp the basics of operators and expressions in C#.

Module 2 - Chapter 2: Loops in C#

Mar 28, 2024

Loops are a fundamental concept in programming, allowing you to execute a block of code repeatedly under certain conditions. This capability is essential for tasks that require repetitive actions, such as processing items in a collection, generating repeated output, or performing operations until a condition is met. In C#, there are several types of loops designed to handle a variety of scenarios: for, while, do-while, and foreach. Understanding how to use these loops will greatly enhance your ability to write efficient and effective code.

Module 2 - Chapter 1: Decision Making in C#

Mar 28, 2024

Decision making in programming refers to the process of executing a particular block of code among many alternatives based on certain conditions. In C#, decision-making structures require the evaluation of expressions that return true or false. This chapter delves into the foundational decision-making constructs in C#, including if, else if, else, and switch statements, which allow you to control the flow of your program based on conditions.

Module 2 - Chapter 3: Exception Handling in C#

Mar 28, 2024

In the world of software development, errors are inevitable. Whether due to unexpected user input, incorrect code logic, or external system failures, your application needs to be prepared to handle errors gracefully. This is where exception handling comes into play. In C#, exception handling is a structured way to deal with runtime errors, allowing your program to continue running or fail gracefully, providing useful feedback to the user or logging information for developers. This chapter covers the basics of exception handling in C# using try, catch, finally blocks, and creating custom exceptions.

Module 3 - Chapter 1: Fundamentals of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in C#

Mar 28, 2024

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is a paradigm that uses "objects" to design applications and computer programs. It utilizes several principles such as encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism to create more modular, reusable, and flexible code. C#, being a modern object-oriented language, fully supports these concepts, making it a powerful tool for developing complex software systems. This chapter introduces the fundamentals of OOP in C#, covering classes and objects, properties and methods, constructors and destructors, and the concept of static members.

Module 3 - Chapter 4: Interfaces and Abstract Classes in C#

Mar 28, 2024

In object-oriented programming (OOP), interfaces and abstract classes are two fundamental constructs that enable polymorphism and code reusability. While they share some similarities in that they can both define methods and properties without implementing them, they serve different purposes and have different constraints. This chapter will delve into the differences and use cases for interfaces and abstract classes in C#, helping you understand when to use each in your applications.

Module 3 - Chapter 2: Inheritance in C#

Mar 28, 2024

Inheritance is a fundamental concept of object-oriented programming (OOP) that allows you to create a new class that reuses, extends, and modifies the behavior that is defined in another class. This concept is one of the main pillars of OOP because it allows for the creation of hierarchical classifications. Using inheritance, you can create a general class that defines traits common to a set of related items. This class can then be inherited by other, more specific classes, each adding those features that are unique to it. In C#, inheritance is achieved by using the : symbol. This chapter will explore how inheritance works in C# and how it can be used to create well-organized and reusable code.

Module 3 - Chapter 3: Polymorphism in C#

Mar 28, 2024

Polymorphism, a core concept in object-oriented programming (OOP), enables objects of different classes to be treated as objects of a common superclass. It's a Greek word that means "having multiple forms," which is exactly what polymorphism allows in programming: the same method or property can be used in different ways for different objects. C# implements polymorphism primarily through method overriding and interfaces, allowing for dynamic method resolution at runtime. This chapter explores the concept of polymorphism in C# and how it can be used to design flexible and easily extendable software.

Korean Idioms: 8. 손이 크다

Feb 9, 2024

The Korean idiom "손이 크다" is a colorful expression widely used in Korean culture to describe generosity or the act of spending freely. This article aims to dissect its meaning, offer an English equivalent, and touch upon related expressions.