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Глава 1: Знакомство с Rust

Mar 10, 2025

В первой главе курса по Rust мы рассмотрим основные особенности языка, его преимущества и недостатки, а также сферы применения. Подробно разберём процесс установки Rust на различные операционные системы. Если вы только начинаете изучать Rust, этот материал поможет вам разобраться в основах и сделать первый шаг в программировании на Rust. 🚀

Глава 3: Переменные и константы

Mar 10, 2025

В этой главе курса по Rust мы рассмотрим переменные и константы. Разберём ключевые концепции: let, mut, const, static, а также затенение переменных (shadowing). Узнаем, как правильно управлять изменяемостью данных и избегать ошибок. 🚀

Cross-platform 3D Rendering in Flutter

Mar 5, 2025

Flutter does not have native 3D rendering support out-of-the-box, but it can be extended to render 3D graphics using external libraries and plugins. To build a Three.js-like 3D library for Flutter, we need to consider existing solutions, rendering technologies (WebGL, Vulkan, OpenGL), language interoperability, performance, and cross-platform challenges. Below is a structured overview of how such a library can be implemented, including current tools, best practices, and recommendations.

Dart Syntax and Basic Concepts

Dec 28, 2023

Delve into the foundational concepts of Dart programming with this comprehensive guide. Covering essential topics like syntax, variable types, functions, loops, and control flow, the article offers a thorough understanding of Dart basics. Ideal for beginners, it lays the groundwork for mastering Dart, from simple data types to complex functions, ensuring a strong foundation in this versatile and powerful programming language.


Глава 3: Переменные и константы

Mar 10, 2025

В этой главе курса по Rust мы рассмотрим переменные и константы. Разберём ключевые концепции: let, mut, const, static, а также затенение переменных (shadowing). Узнаем, как правильно управлять изменяемостью данных и избегать ошибок. 🚀

Глава 2: Первая программа на Rust

Mar 10, 2025

Во второй главе курса по Rust мы рассмотрим структуру программы, разберём процесс компиляции и запуска кода. Также познакомимся с Cargo — мощным инструментом для управления проектами на Rust. Узнаем, как создавать, собирать и запускать проекты с его помощью. 🚀

Глава 1: Знакомство с Rust

Mar 10, 2025

В первой главе курса по Rust мы рассмотрим основные особенности языка, его преимущества и недостатки, а также сферы применения. Подробно разберём процесс установки Rust на различные операционные системы. Если вы только начинаете изучать Rust, этот материал поможет вам разобраться в основах и сделать первый шаг в программировании на Rust. 🚀

Cross-platform 3D Rendering in Flutter

Mar 5, 2025

Flutter does not have native 3D rendering support out-of-the-box, but it can be extended to render 3D graphics using external libraries and plugins. To build a Three.js-like 3D library for Flutter, we need to consider existing solutions, rendering technologies (WebGL, Vulkan, OpenGL), language interoperability, performance, and cross-platform challenges. Below is a structured overview of how such a library can be implemented, including current tools, best practices, and recommendations.

Recursive Merge for Python Dict.

Recursive Merge for Python Dict.

Jan 23, 2025

When working with Python, you often encounter scenarios where merging dictionaries is required. However, a simple update() or dictionary unpacking ({**dict1, **dict2}) might not suffice when dictionaries contain nested structures. This is where a recursive merge function becomes incredibly useful. In this blog, we’ll explore a Python function, merge_dicts, that merges two dictionaries recursively

Module 3 - Chapter 5: Encapsulation in C#

Mar 29, 2024

Encapsulation is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming (OOP) that involves bundling the data (attributes) and methods (functions) that operate on the data into a single unit, known as a class. It also restricts direct access to some of the object's components, which is a way of preventing accidental manipulation of data and ensuring internal data integrity. This principle of hiding the internal state and requiring all interaction to occur through an object's methods is central to C#. This chapter explains the concept of encapsulation and demonstrates how to implement it in C# through access modifiers and properties.

Module 5 - Chapter 2: Entity Framework Basics

Mar 29, 2024

Entity Framework (EF) is an open-source object-relational mapping (ORM) framework for ADO.NET, part of the .NET ecosystem. It serves as a bridge between the relational database world and the object-oriented world of .NET, allowing developers to work with data in the form of domain-specific objects and properties, without having to deal with the underlying database tables and columns directly. This chapter introduces the basics of Entity Framework, covering its two main approaches: Code-First and Database-First, and how to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations.

Module 4 - Chapter 2: Generics in C#

Mar 29, 2024

Generics are one of the most powerful features of C#, enabling developers to define type-safe data structures, without committing to actual data types. This results in a more flexible, reusable, and type-safe codebase. Generics allow you to write a class or method that can work with any data type. When you use a class or method that has been defined generically, you specify the exact data type it should work with. This chapter explores the concept of generics in C#, including how to define and use generic classes, methods, interfaces, and delegates.

Module 4 - Chapter 1: Delegates and Events in C#

Mar 29, 2024

In C#, delegates and events are foundational concepts that enable a flexible and extensible way to handle method callbacks and notifications. They play a crucial role in designing and implementing event-driven programming patterns, which are central to developing interactive applications such as graphical user interfaces, game development, and service-oriented applications. This chapter introduces delegates and events, explaining their uses, syntax, and how they enable managed event handling in C#.

Module 5 - Chapter 1: File Handling in C#

Mar 29, 2024

File handling is an essential aspect of many C# applications, enabling you to create, read, update, and delete files on the filesystem. C# provides a comprehensive set of classes in the System.IO namespace for working with files and directories, making file operations straightforward and efficient. This chapter covers the basics of file handling in C#, including how to work with files and directories, read and write files, and handle file I/O operations securely and efficiently.

Module 4 - Chapter 4: Asynchronous Programming in C#

Mar 29, 2024

Asynchronous programming is a powerful feature of C# that allows for efficient execution of operations, particularly those that involve long-running tasks or IO-bound work, such as file operations, database transactions, or network requests. By using asynchronous programming, you can keep your application responsive and improve its overall performance by not blocking the main thread while waiting for operations to complete. This chapter introduces the basics of asynchronous programming in C# using async and await keywords, and explores how to perform asynchronous operations with tasks.

Module 4 - Chapter 3 : Collections in C#

Mar 29, 2024

Collections are data structures that hold objects in memory. In C#, collections are incredibly versatile and can be used to store, manipulate, and manage data efficiently. Unlike arrays, which have a fixed size, collections can dynamically resize, offering more flexibility. This chapter introduces some of the most commonly used collection types in the .NET Framework, including their use cases, benefits, and key operations.